The Support Services Department provides a multitude of services with the goal of supporting Escambia county residents in their efforts towards achieving self-sufficiency. The programs that we offer include:
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP for short, is designed to help offset the excess energy burden for those persons who are deemed eligible based on household size and income. This program also assists in an emergency, such as disconnected power or gas service. Electric benefits are available all year. Whereas, gas benefits are only allowed if gas is used for home heating and is available October 1st through March 31st of each calendar year.
Weather-Related Conditions Assistance
To help eligible households during a weather-related crisis as declared by the Department of Economic Opportunity, Florida’s Governor or the U.S. President.
Crisis Utility Assistance
This program provides repair or replacement of home heating/cooling systems for income eligible residents of Escambia County.
Emergency Water Bill Assistance
This program assists eligible households with past due residential water bills.
Rental and Mortgage Assistance
This program offers rental or mortgage assistance to those income qualified applicants in past due status or those facing evictions or foreclosure. Renters must present a past due rental or eviction notice. Homeowners must present a past due statement or a foreclosure notice. Certain restrictions may apply, and additional information may be required. Funds are limited to availability.
Youth Program Assistance
We provide assistance with after-school care and summer camp fees to provide your children with safe, fun, affordable care that provides an environment where your children can flourish and develop valuable social and/or academic opportunities.
Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSSP)
This is an intense case management program that aids those individuals seeking to gain economic stability. This program is for those who wish to further their education and/or obtain employment with a living wage that would meet household needs. To apply for the program, applicants must be eligible based on household size and income. Once eligibility has been determined, clients enter into an agreement with their case manager and establish goals to assist them in reaching their ultimate potential. The case manager periodically meets with the client to review the goal plan and assess progress. The program, generally, lasts up to two years and terminates upon successful completion of the program.
GED Assistance: This program assists with registration and testing fees for the GED program offered through Pensacola State College and other community organizations providing GED programs.
Post-Secondary Education Assistance
Through the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), clients are eligible to receive assistance with post-secondary education and related expenses (books, supplies, etc.). Interested clients must apply for the Pell grant first. Any expenses that are not covered by the Pell grant or scholarships may be covered by CSBG funding.
Employment Assistance: Funding from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) program is used to cover expenses related to new employment such as background screenings, physicals, immunizations, certifications and licensure, uniforms, work shoes, tools, gas cards or bus tickets, criminal record expungement/sealing and identification.
Transportation Assistance
Transportation assistance, in the form of bus passes and gas cards are provided to clients who have a verifiable need (i.e., to attend school, new employment, doctor’s appointment, etc.).
Criminal Record Expungement/Sealing Fee Assistance
We provide criminal record expungement/sealing fee assistance and guidance for those individuals with a past criminal charge that is an obstacle to economic self-sufficiency.
Interested Applicants
If you wish to apply for any of the programs offered, please begin by reviewing the documentation and income requirements by clicking the links below.
Once you have reviewed the documentation requirements and you wish to apply for assistance, please set up an appointment via our twenty-four-hour appointment line by dialing (850) 308-1472. Once an appointment is set, an application packet can be picked up on the date and time of your appointment at 2501 West Wright St., Pensacola Fl 32505. You may return your application, along with your supporting documents during normal business hours, 8:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, or leave your completed application packet in the drop box located near our front entrance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: If your application is denied, you may reapply anytime unless otherwise specified by the Support Services Director. If you believe that your application was denied in error and you wish to appeal the decision, you may do so in writing within ten days of the date of the denial notice. If you wish to send an appeal, please write to Delicia Straughter, Support Services Director, at 2501 West Wright St., Pensacola Fl 32505. You may also drop your letter of appeal in the black drop box near the Support Services entrance.
Answer: No, approval is not guaranteed. As with any application, such as those for a car loan or rental housing, you may be approved or denied. Your Case Manager will work as quickly as possible to process your application so that you will know whether you were approved.
Answer: Your Case Manager will send you a letter notifying you of your approval and the amount of your benefit.
Answer: Eligibility, generally, depends on household and income. Your Case Manager cannot determine your benefit amount until all documentation has been submitted and your application has been processed. Once it is processed, you will receive an award letter notifying you of the benefit amount you were approved for.
Answer: We understand that this is a crisis for your family and will work hard to resolve the crisis as quickly as possible. To expedite the process, please be sure to turn in all required documentation as quickly as possible. Additionally, please limit phone calls to check the status of your application as this, generally, only serves to slow down the process.
We Want to Hear from You!
Providing the best service possible to those we serve within our community is our top priority. However, to do so, we need your feedback. Please take a moment to complete the survey below:
We also would appreciate your comments regarding the needs of our community. This is your opportunity to be heard and to become an integral partner in determining the services we provide to our community. Please help us help the community by completing the questionnaire below:
Energy Saving Tips
Clicking this link would send clients to info provided by Gulf Power.
Hurricane Safety and Preparedness
Housing Resources
Community Partners
Florida Power and Light
Opening Doors
City of Pensacola
The Department of Children & Families
Town of Century
Area Housing Commission
Career Source Escarosa
Catholic Charities
United Ministries
United Way
Pensacola State College
Samaritan Hands
Ministry Village at Olive
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the Community Services Block Grant are funded as part of an award granted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services totaling $1,606,385.00 for LIHEAP for FY22 and $382,096.00 for CSBG for FY23, with 1% financed from non-governmental sources.