Community Action Program Committee, Inc., (CAPC) has been serving Northwest Florida residents since April, 1965.
In August of 1964, the Economic Opportunity Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Johnson. In October of 1964, Sargeant Shriver was sworn in as Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity.
“It will not be a short or easy struggle, no single weapon or strategy will suffice, but we shall not rest until that war is won.”
~ President Lyndon B. Johnson
Our agency began as a small summer program for children, and has developed into a multi-faceted agency targeting poverty in our community. We are an anti-poverty agency and the following four programs work cohesively as our organization focuses on its vision to change people’s lives, to embody the spirit of hope and to make the community a better place to live.
Funded through Department of Economic Opportunity
CAPC will help low-income families achieve stability and self-sustainability by collaborating with community stakeholders to create solutions to poverty.
Treat all clients with courtesy and respect
Implement a customer-focused approach to service delivery
Conduct business with integrity and passion to serve
Be accountable in all programmatic and financial matters
Demonstrate excellence in everything that we do
Be outcomes-driven to have a positive impact on families and communities
Promote an agency-wide innovative and forward-thinking mindset.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds, share 6 national goals focusing on the family, the community and Community Action Programs.
Families becoming self-sufficient
Achieve potential by strengthening family and supportive systems
Improving people lives in the community
Giving people a stake in their community
Partnerships among supports and providers
Increase our capacity to help